September Elm - Ulmus serotina, is most easily recognized by the combination of alternate simple, double toothed leaves, mature branches with corky wings and Autumn flowering and fruiting. It is a deciduous tree that can reach heights of up to 65 feet tall, it grows in an erect form with a single trunk and spreading crown. It is native to the limestone bluffs, bottomlands and hillsides of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas and Illinois but is rare even within it's native growth range. The September Elm can hybridize with the Cedar Elm though the offspring are difficult to assign to species.

Image Citation: By K6tmk6 - Originally uploaded on 2010-07-04 as File:Ulmus Serotina2.JPG by K6tmk6., Public Domain,
The leaves are alternate, simply shaped, with an abruptly pointed short point. The upper leaf surface is a yellow-green color, hairless, with parallel veins and distinctively forked margins. The lower leaf surface is a yellowish gold color with soft hairs. The flowers have 5-6 sepals and occur from Summer to Autumn each year. The fruit is ovoid to elliptic with 1 seed, light brown samara, 1 - 1 1/2 cm long with a notched apex, maturing in Autumn.
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