Broadleaf Mistletoe (Phoradendron spp.) is an evergreen plant that is parasitic in nature, it grows freely on a variety of large landscape trees. Some deciduous host trees of broadleaf mistletoe include Apple, Ash, Birch, Boxelder, Cottonwood, Locust, Maple, Oaks Walnut and Zelkova to name a few. Conifers are not found to often be host of the Broadleaf variety, but can host the dwarf varieties.
Have you ever wondered about the trees around you? What are their names? What makes them each unique? What resources do they provide? How do they benefit our lives? Arundel Tree Service's Meet A Tree blog was created to help you "Meet A Tree", learn about how every tree is as unique and individual as you and I!
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Sunday, December 29, 2024
White Pines - Pinus strobus
White Pines - Pinus strobus are a large growing evergreen with blue-green needles that are generally 2 1/2-5 inches long. The needles grow very densely on the branches. Pines are different from other conifers/evergreens, their needles grow in sheathed groups of 2,3 or 5. It is a tall tree with straight gray-brown trunk and horizontal growing branches. The cones are small and slender rarely growing longer then 3-6 inches. White Pines can live on average 200-250 years although there are a few recorded to be over 400 years old. Growing about 3 feet per year between the ages of 15-45, but at a slower rate in the juvenille and mature stages before and after that point-they can reach heights well over 150 feet tall, one record holder came in at 207 feet (The Boogerman Pine).
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Red Spruce - Picea rubens
The Red Spruce - Picea rubens is a small-mid sized tree that can reach 50-80 feet tall. Red Spruce is a long lived tree that can live to be well over 400 years old. Red Spruce can be found growing from Canada in the North through North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia in the South. The branches on the Red Spruce are close in proximity to one another, growing straight out from the trunk and gently sweeping upward near the ends. The wood of Red Spruce is light in color and weight, straight grained, and resilient. This type of lumber is used for making paper, construction lumber, and stringed musical instruments.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Java Plum - Syzygium cumini
The Java Plum - Syzygium cumini, Is a fast growing evergreen tree that reaches heights of 30-80 feet tall depending on the location/conditions planted. It is considered a tropical tree and is a member of the flowering plant family Myrtaceae. It grows in an erect single trunk they could be straight or crooked in form with a rounded crown. The tree was introduced to Florida in 1911 by the USDA, it originated from Asia, specifically India and Burma. It has become established in Maritime hammocks, lake margins, flatwoods and rocklands throughout Central and Southern Florida. It is similar to the Malabar Plum Syzygium jambos but can be distinguished by the different sized leaves and fruit. It is treated by the state of Florida as an invasive species. It can be found growing from Sea Level to 6000 feet above in the tropics. It grows best in areas with very high rain or humidity levels.
Monday, November 11, 2024
"Dragon's Claw" or "Corkscrew" Willow - Salix matsudana
The "Dragon's Claw" or "Corkscrew" Willow - Salix matsudana - is a cultivar of the Chinese (Babylon) Willow. This cultivar grows very fast from cuttings made from the youngest (and often most curly) shoots. It is considered medium to large in size and is a deciduous tree that grows in a primarily upright fashion. Chinese Willow's have a relatively short lifespan, estimated between 40-75 years in the wild. The Chinese Willow is a Native of Northeastern China. It has been planted heavily as an ornamental in the United States, Europe and Australia, so is seen often outisde of it's native area.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
West Indian Mahogany - Swietenia mahagoni
The West Indian Mahogany - Swietenia mahagoni, is best recognized by the fissured brown bark, leaves with curved leaflets and large fruit capsule. It is a evergreen or semi deciduous tree that reaches heights of 50-85 feet and grows in an erect fashion with a broad crown. It is native to subtropical hammocks, commonly grown in private gardens, along roadsides and in highway medians in South Florida. The Swietenia is a small genus of only 3 species distributed in tropical West Africa and tropical America.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Sour Orange - Citrus x aurantium
The Sour Orange - Citrus x aurantium is a small evergreen shrub or small tree that reaches heights of only 10-30 feet tall. The Sour Orange has been naturalized in Florida, Georgia and Texas, but originated in southeastern Asia and South Sea Islands (Fiji, Samoa, and Guam). Sour Orange is grown in orchards settings only in the Orient/various other parts of the world where its special products are of commercial importance, including southern Europe and some offshore islands of North Africa, the Middle East, Madras, India, West Tropical Africa, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Paraguay.
Monday, November 4, 2024
Golden Dewdrops - Duranta erecta
The Golden Dewdrops - Duranta erecta, are most easily identified by their brilliant sky blue colored flowers and bright yellow fruit. They originated in the West Indies but have been naturalized from South Florida to East/Central Texas. In the United States they are found primarily on disturbed sites, pine lands, and hammocks from 0-100 m. An evergreen shrub, occasional vine or rarely a small tree they reach heights of only 20 feet.
Friday, November 1, 2024
Sparkleberry - Vaccinium arboreum
The Sparkleberry - Vaccinium arboreum, is best recognized by the combination of reddish bark, bell shaped flowers and lustrous green leaves with a tiny point on the tip. It is an evergreen in most locations or late deciduous in colder climates. It grows in an upright fashion small bush or tree form. It is native to North America, dry sandy woodlands, thickets and clearings. It is widespread on the East Coast of North America, found from Ontario in the North and Florida in the South, West through Kansas and Eastern Texas.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Sawtooth Oak - Quercus acutissima
The Sawtooth Oak - Quercus acutissima is most easily recognized by it's fringed acorn cup and narrow leave with bristle tipped teeth, resembling the teeth of a saw. It is a fast growing, deciduous shade tree that can reach heights of 30- 70 feet tall. Sawtooth Oak grows in an erect fashion with a single trunk and dense rounded crown. Originally introduced from Asia, generally found in planned landscapes and is reported to be naturalized in scattered areas from Pennsylvania South to North Carolina and Georgia, South to Louisiana. Sawtooth Oak is primarily planted for wildlife cover and food due to it's abundant fruit and fast growth habit. This species is sometimes used for urban and highway beautification as it is tolerant of soil compaction, air pollution, and drought.
American Basswood - Tilia americana
The American Basswood - Tilia americana, is most easily recognized by the combination of alternate, two ranked, and heart shaped leaves that are asymmetric at the base and the leafy bract subtending the flowers and fruit. It is a deciduous tree that reaches heights of 60-100 feet tall that grows in an erect form with a single trunk. The crown of the American Basswood is ovoid or rounded with numerous slender branches.
Image Citation: Wendy VanDyk Evans,
Friday, October 18, 2024
Glossy Buckthorn - Frangula alnus
The Glossy Buckthorn - Frangula alnus is a deciduous small tree or shrub that reaches heights of 20-25 feet. Generally growing with multiple erect trunks in a shrubby form, with a stout crown. Originally introduced from Europe about 200 years ago, Glossy Buckthorn has become established in weedy bogs, and other wetland areas. Found as far North as Saskatchewan and Quebec South to West Virginia and Tennessee and West to Idaho and Colorado. The Glossy Buckthorn is considered to be invasive in many areas and is treated as an invasive species in most Mid-Western wetland areas.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Cryptomeria - Cryptomeria japonica
The Cryptomeria - Cryptomeria japonica is a monoecious ornamental evergreen tree that can reach heights upwards of 65-70 feet. Growing in a slender, upright pyramidal fashion, it has unique short, sharp in-curved needles that are unique to this species and only the rare Taiwania (a similar species). The needle-like leaves are 3-12 mm long and spirally arranged. The bark is reddish brown to dark gray, fibrous and often peels off in strips. The cones are brown, slightly rounded with an apical point and are borne at the tips of the twigs in groups of 1-6. The branching habit of this species is considered to be irregular and does not occur in a uniform fashion.
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Sassafras - Sassafras albidum
The Sassafras - Sassafras albidum is a member of the Laurel family. Having only three varieties, two of which are native to China and Taiwan, and the other is native to the Eastern portion of the United States. Spreading by suckers growing from the roots, in it's natural habitat it is commonly found growing along the woods edge and fields or as the under story of a forest.
Monday, August 12, 2024
Ohio Buckeye- Aesculus glabra
The Ohio Buckeye- Aesculus glabra - is a medium sized rounded crown Deciduous tree. Growing to only 20-40 feet tall at maturity, it has a moderate growth rate. It is the most widespread of all of the Buckeyes in North America. Its range is on mostly mesophotic sites through Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Southern Michigan on West to Illinois and Central Iowa, extending South to Kansas, Oklahoma, and Central Texas, East into portions of Arkansas, Tennessee, and Alabama. This tree thrives best in moist locations and is most frequently found along river bottoms and in streambank soils. It has been planted frequently outside of its native range in Europe and the Eastern United States. Different from the other Buckeyes because of two main features, first the leaflets have barely any visible stalk and second the husk of the fruit has short spines. The Ohio Buckeye is sometimes referred to as the American Buckeye, Fetid buckeye, and Stinking Buckeye, the last because of the foul odor emitted when the leaves are crushed.
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Seven Sisters Oak - Mandeville, Louisiana
At somewhere around 1500 years old, The Seven Sisters Oak is not only a Louisiana state champion but a National Champion Live Oak as well. This tree is the largest Live Oak in the Country, with a circumference of 467 inches, a height of 68 feet and a very large crown spread spanning over 139 feet. This tree is the only recorded champion with a crown spread that is nearly double the height of the tree itself. It has held the title of National Live Oak Champion for over 30 years.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Araucaria (Monkey Puzzle, Cook Pine, Norfolk Island Pine and Bunya Pine)
The Araucaria (Araucarias) is a genus of trees mostly native to the Southern Hemisphere and including only 19 species. Four of these species have become popular ornamental plantings here in the United States (mostly in warm Southern portions of the Eastern Seaboard, and along the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains). The four species that are found here in the US are Monkey Puzzle - Araucaria araucana (Molina), Cook Pine - Araucaria columnaris, Norfolk Island Pine - Araucaria heterophylla and Bunya Pine - Araucaria bidwillii. The Araucaria is one of three genera that make up the larger Araucariaceae family.
Monday, August 5, 2024
Black Oak - Quercus velutina
The Black Oak - Quercus velutina - is also known as the Eastern Black Oak. It was sometime/ formerly called the Yellow Oak, because of the yellow pigment in it's inner bark. It is native to the Eastern and Central United States and is found in every East Coast state from Southern Maine to the Northern panhandle of Florida. It is found as far inland as Ontario, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma and even Eastern Texas. It is similar in appearance and often confused with the Northern Red Oak, Scarlet Oak and Southern Red Oak. Black Oak is known to hybridize with other members of the Red Oak group, and is a known parent in at least a dozen different named hybrids found today.
Friday, August 2, 2024
China Fir - Cunninghamia lanceolata
China Fir - Cunninghamia lanceolata, is most easily identified by the long, stiff, sharply pointed leaves and oval cones of leather like sharply pointed bracts near twig tips. The China Fir was introduced to the United States and is considered a distinct ornamental. Native to Southeast Asia. In China the China Fir is considered to be an important timber tree and is referred to as the China Fir, even though it is a member of the cypress family. It is fast growing and highly resistant to pests and diseases. It is widely used for landscaping and has medicinal uses.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
White Mulberry - Morus alba
The White Mulberry - Morus alba - is a small to medium size tree native to China. It is recorded to have been widely cultivated in China for over four thousand years to provide feed stock for silkworms. It has been cultivated for Silkworm raising and fruit so much so, that it is hard to determine where the original natural range lines begin/end. Its leaves are also used as feedstock for livestock in areas where the climate does not allow for adequate ground covers. It has been naturalized throughout most of the warmer temperate regions of the world including North America, India, and Southern Europe. In some areas of the United States, it is included on the invasive species list as its ability to hybridize with the native Red Mulberry causes concern for the future of the Red Mulberry species. If not properly managed this plant has a habit of becoming weedy and invasive, even displacing more desirable vegetation. It is found in hardiness zones 4-9 in North America.