Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Alder trees -Alnus

Alder trees -Alnus  are a very small group of trees and shrub, made up of only 30 varieties most of which are native to the Northern temperate areas. Ten of which are native specifically to North America half of these can be grown as either shrubs or trees. As a whole, Alders rarely grown to over 70 feet tall. They are relatively fast growers and are short lived not recorded to live very often beyond 100 years.

Image Citation (Green Alder): Steven Katovich, Bugwood.org

Alders are considered part of the larger Birch family since they are very similar in habit and appearance, however there are two things that set them apart from Birch trees. The first is the fruit of the Alder not only resembles a small cone, but when ripe it becomes hard and woody very much like a cone. The second is that the roots of the Alder grow nodules that house nitrifying bacteria which enables these trees to grow well in bare or poor soils that lack the nitrates the plants need to survive. When the leaves of the trees fall each year and decay they enrich the soil, this enables other tree species to eventually grow in these once uninhabitable areas as well.. Red and Gray Alders are commonly planted along the edges of newly constructed roads and in quarry spoils for this very reason. In its native growth range, the Alder is commonly seen as one of the first signs of new growth in previously burned or logged forests. They are also usefully grown along the banks of rivers and ponds as their root systems will extend down into the water creating a stronger bank and helping with erosion control.

Image Citation (Nepal Alder): John Ruter, Bugwood.org

The Alders wood is durable in water, it is hard and dense in quality. The wood is also used to make charcoal for gunpowder. It has been used for both bank and canal construction.

Image Citation (Hazel Alder): Chris Evans, University of Illinois, Bugwood.org

It is recorded in Welsch Mythology that the Alder fought in the great "Battle of Trees" against the dark spirits of the underworld. When cut the wood of the Alder turns from white to red which is said to signify the tree is bleeding.
Native Americans not only made tools and utensils from the Alders wood but they also extracted and used the red dye from it's wood as well. Twigs, leaf buds, leaves and catkins (both male and female) all have medicinal purposes.


  1. Alder trees feature often in Celtic Mythology and Folklore. They are said to be home to fairies, they are the symbol of Bran in Welsh Mythology and are most often associated with water, secrecy, nature, bad luck, spirituality, and balance.
    URL: https://www.treeremovalmelbournearborists.com/

  2. The wood of certain alder species is often used to smoke various food items such as coffee, salmon, and other seafood. Most of the pilings that form the foundation of Venice were made from alder trees. Alder bark contains the anti-inflammatory salicin, which is metabolized into salicylic acid in the body. https://www.treeremovalmelbournearborists.com/

  3. The alder tree is usually regarded as the Goddess tree and it has been associated with several deities or gods in history. There are many symbolism of the alder tree and some of these trees include strength, release, determination, protection, discrimination, confidence, and royalty. about us

  4. TREE SURGERY IN FINEDON, NORTHAMPTONSHIREThe timber from specific alder species is commonly employed for smoking a variety of food items like coffee, salmon, and other seafood. A significant portion of the pilings forming the foundation of Venice was crafted from alder trees.

  5. TREE SURGERY IN THRAPSTON, NORTHAMPTONSHIREThis is informative and fascinating, thanks for sharing! Alders' unique characteristics, like their symbiotic relationship with nitrifying bacteria, make them resilient in poor soils.

    Alder trees are fascinating with their fast growth and relatively short lifespan—great for adding quick greenery to your landscape! If you happen to need a tree surgeon, feel free to visit our site—we’d be happy to assist with any tree care needs!

    Alders are incredible for soil enrichment and erosion control—nature’s own land restorers! If you happen to need a tree surgeon, feel free to visit our site!
